A brass candle holder designed to evoke the image of Western hand wax.
Size: Height 31.1cm, Diameter 13.0cm
Writer (Metal Craftsman): Takuya Nishimoto (Sen)
From Kyoto Prefecture. Currently residing in Amami Oshima. Engaged in product design and production related to architecture, primarily using brass as the main material.
[Past construction projects]
Omotesando GYRE (Tokyo), Hirosaki Brick Warehouse Museum (Aomori), arts&science (Tokyo), MAIZON (Paris), etc.
[Past Exhibitions]
・"pass down" (Venue: Ge Mo, Shanghai, China)
・Chisen / Tatsuuma Segawa Exhibition "Colors of Patina" (Venue: doinel)
・"Strikingly Beautiful Presence - Woodwork and Metalwork -" (Venue: Daikanyama Tsutaya Bookstore)
・"CAFÉ DU GRACE 921GALLERY 15th Anniversary Festival" (Venue: CAFÉ DU GRACE 921GALLERY)
・"Resonance" (Venue: Public Record Auckland, New Zealand)
・"Living Craft Exhibition 2021" (Venue: gallery yamahon)
・"Ochaya Ato 4th Anniversary Festival" (Venue: Ochaya Ato)